Why your Google Business profile is so important.

Firstly, I’ll run with the above image. It’s just another Chinese restaurant…right? But look at the VIEWS!!! Yes, over 20,000 views!

This guy’s getting a free here, plug but I actually went there in 2019, was super happy and left a really good 5 star review on Google, with a few pics.

Boom! It’s gone crazy. Now, this is in a small country town, not Sydney. Do you think, he got some exposure? You bet! Do you think he got some business? I’d say so. Imagine if only 1% became customers and they spent $50 each. That’s an extra $10,000 in the kitty!

With your Google Business Profile you have control over a very important piece of real estate. Create posts, add piccies, promote specials and deals, be found on Google Maps, link your website, reply and interact with customers. get reviews and more. It’s also good for your SEO and without a doubt you get the best bang for your buck with Google here. I cannot stress enough, how good this is.

Has this guy got control of his prime real estate? Nope. He’s missing out big time and doesn’t even realise it. I reached out, but we’ll see what happens.

Part 2: What not to do!

Sorry KFC but this was just taken at random from a map. Ok….three stars, so not that good. But the point is, no one from corporate is checking these reviews. I just went through a handful of poor reviews and not one response or reply from KFC. That’s baffling. It certainly is not best practice.

The moral of the story is, they have an opportunity to make it right but they’re not doing it. With your Google Business profile, you can interact, respond, apologise, make it better with a gift or freebie, anything. It’s good reputation management.

Mission for the week:

Go and check out you Google business profile. You might find some surprises!
If you’d like help with setup, verification and management, feel free to get in touch here.

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